January 2, 2014

Console.WriteLine(“Welcome to {0}{{days}}{1}”, x,y);

input- x = “dotNET”, y = “2″;
output – Welcome to dotNET{days}2
My name is Hussain Patel, Thanks for reading my new blog. I welcome you all.
Who am I? I am .NET Solutions Developer / Consultant. I was born in India. I grew up in Mumbai and have a post-graduate degree in Computer Management . I am working for a software company;
What this blog contains?
This blog speaks about Microsoft .NET and technologies. This blog will contains day to day to learnings in C#, wcf, wpf, silverlight, CCF, asp.net , .NET code, video’s, FAQ’s, links, work arounds and lot of Knowledge Sharing……
Why 2 after dotnet days … actually thats my birthdate day….
signed off dated Dec 6th 2009

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